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Online Courses

Abrasive Wheels
Achieving Food Hygiene Rating Level 5
Alcohol Personal Licence Holder
Allergen Awareness
Asbestos Awareness
Asbestos Awareness for Architects and Designers
Assessing Display Screen Equipment
Basic Fire Safety Awareness
Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes
Basic Legionella Management
Behavioural Safety
CDM Awareness
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
Display Screen Equipment Awareness
Drug and Alcohol Awareness
Electrical Safety
Emergency First Aid at Work
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Marshal
Fire Marshal for Care Homes
Introduction to HACCP Level 2
Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers
Introduction to Risk Assessment
Level 1 Food Hygiene – Catering
Level 1 Food Hygiene – Manufacturing
Level 1 Food Hygiene – Retail
Level 2 Food Hygiene – Catering
Level 2 Food Hygiene – Manufacturing
Level 2 Food Hygiene – Retail
Licensed Premises Staff Training
Lockdown Procedure in Schools
Manual Handling
Noise Awareness
Paediatric First Aid
Personal Protective Equipment
Positive Handling in Schools
Prevent Duty
Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Children
Slips, Trips and Falls
Supervising Food Safety - Level 3
Working at Height
Working in Confined Spaces
Working Safely
Working Within the Private Security Industry
Workplace Health and Safety
Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card)
Anti Harassment and Bullying
Anti-Bribery and Corruption
Anti-Money Laundering
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace
Customer Service
Cyber Security
Developing Good Employee Relations
Developing Teamwork
Disciplinary Procedures
Effective Delegation
Equality, Diversity and Discrimination
Facebook for Business
Introducing GDPR
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
Leadership Skills
LinkedIn for Business
Managing Meetings
Managing Sickness and Absence
Objective Setting
Presentation Skills
Project Management
Sales Skills
Search Engine Optimisation for Business
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Social Media for Business
Stress Management
Autism Awareness
Dementia Awareness
Diabetes Awareness
Dignity and Privacy
Duty of Care
End of Life Care
Epilepsy Awareness
Handling Information in a Care Setting
Infection Control
Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage
Introduction to the Safe Handling of Medicines
Learning Disability Awareness
Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Mental Health Awareness
Nutrition and Hydration
Person-Centred Care
Principles of Communication
Sharps Awareness
Stroke Awareness
Understanding your Role in Care
Your Personal Development
Health and Safety in a Care Setting
The Principles of Performance Management
Time Management
Twitter for Business
Covid-19 Safe Workplaces
Banksman Training

eLearning Portal

By providing a range of in-house and online training courses, we can guarantee you or your employees are compliant at all levels of your organisation. Please contact us for updates and new offers. 

Health & Safety

Quality Consultancy

The perfect solution for small businesses

Other Services

Since businesses experience rapid change, it's hard to stay on top of the latest legislation, which can increase risk. We provide comprehensive information, as well as expert training to help you comply.

Consultancy Services & Online Learning made easy

Cost-effective and flexible Plan & Design, Health & Safety, Quality and Environmental Management Services to suit every business need.  Online training courses that are simple, affordable, and certified.



Ready to grow your business?

It's difficult to stay on top of the latest legislation as businesses undergo rapid change, which increases risk. We provide comprehensive information and expert training to help you comply. Our team members are taken through the relevant training and development programmes so they can provide the level of support and guidance our clients need. 


Integrated business management

With high expertise, low complexity, and cost-effective solutions, our health, safety, environmental, and quality experts can support you to develop or implement your management systems.  Our auditors are IRCA-certified with diverse industry experience. As a leading ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 consultancy and training provider, we can help your organization to achieve your long-term goals. 

Helping you to stay ahead of your competitors

CHAS, SMAS and Constructionline among other certifications will give your organisation an advantage when tendering or quoting for new business or meeting client requirements.  Our team of specialists can simplify this process for you by providing the required level of support for successful certification.



Why learn with us?

Would you like to help your employees develop themselves to the best of their abilities? Take a look at our courses and discover why Base Solutions is the solution for your organisation. We offer the flexibility of setting up a business training account so that your nominated employees or contractors can log in with permission and undertake their courses at any time throughout the year.


I've completed the Basic Legionella Management online course as per your recommendation.  Just wanted to say thank you for the advice and to praise the setup.  Informative and engaging with short precise delivery of information.  The modules are split into easy to digest sections and the animation in the background is definitely helpful with absorbing info.


Technical Supervisor, BD Management Services

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